Monday 11 April 2011

The Banking Industry.

There have been measures today to reform the banking industry which frankly makes me chortle. The banking industry rules the world. Ever since Mayer Amschel Rothschild uttered his immortal comment 'Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws' his progeny have controlled the world.

If you are a Christian then Mayer Rothschild is probably the devil incarnate. They have controlled almost everything since they got a foothold in the then new United States of America. I would bet my life that the Rothschild family are behind the European Union. I reckon that they were behind the banking collapse that Western Europe has recently undergone and well follows on that they created the Euro. This has allowed them to destroy the economies of the weak nations but eventually they will attack Germany and France.

Captain Ranty,  I know but I am such a fan, has another aspect to this argument when he leads us to a guy called John Perkins. This really links to my theme and takes us back to the philosophy of Mayer Rothschild. It would appear that the USA has adopted this philosophy.

I have this one final question. Who owns and controls the World's Monetary Authority?
When we mortgage our country who do we borrow from? We have the worst debt in our history according to David who do we owe? Who does Portugal, Ireland and Greece owe their money to? Who is backing the Euro or not backing the Euro? I do not have any expertise or political alliance but I think that I am beginning to get the picture.


NewsboyCap said...


I think you have answered your own question. The Central Banks, IMF, The World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. Guess who owns them all.

bryboy said...

Tks Newscapboy, sorry to be so late in responding. This takes me further because when did this country upset the bankers? When did we actually annoy the new world order. Just possibly the defeat of Ted Heath by Margaret Thatcher holds a clue...I feel another post coming on!

bryboy said...

Tks Newscapboy, sorry to be so late in responding. This takes me further because when did this country upset the bankers? When did we actually annoy the new world order. Just possibly the defeat of Ted Heath by Margaret Thatcher holds a clue...I feel another post coming on!

bryboy said...

Oops sorry NewsboyCap!

Technology Consultant said...

Somehow the common people are the most affected in all these high profile battles & scams.

NewsboyCap said...


We haven't upset them, we 'private sector taxpayers' are the guarantee that they will get all their money back, that wasteful governments squander.