Wednesday 7 March 2012

The British Army and Broken Britain!

Further to my last on the attitude of British politicians to the forces and particularly to those who are no longer of use to them here is a practical example.  Clearly this lad needs all the help that we can give him but is it not a scandal that Melton Council will not help him?

I wonder how many of the great unwashed, who have never volunteered for service to their country, are occupying premises which could be adapted for Peter Chapma. Ex Servicemen, particularly those no longer fit for action, should have priority as a reward for service to their country.


Anonymous said...

""I wonder how many of the great unwashed, who have never volunteered for service to their country, are occupying premises which could be adapted for Peter Chapma. Ex Servicemen, particularly those no longer fit for action, should have priority as a reward for service to their country.

When you say service to their country don't you mean to the international bankers who belong to no nation? Considering that from 1770 onwards every revolution and conflict around the globe was instigated by the bankers and before that monarchy did its fair share all for personal gain.

You see, there is no service to one's country, only being a pitbull for the elites while the armed forces have done nothing but invade foreign lands, kill the locals and make everything safe for the future plunder of their natural resources and lands.

So if ex servicemen want to be housed, don't give them priority over people who don't want to murder innocents and defenders of their lands abroad. Tell the servicemen to get in touch with the bankers, corporation owners (petro chemical & pharma, GM foods, telecommunications etc), oil company owners, weapon manufacturer owners, politicians and monarchies and tell them to cough up the cash seeing as it was for them they did their invading and killing for. I don't want people killing others and saying it was to serve their country. That's BS and well you know it too. If you don't it's high time you did.



bryboy said...

Harbinger I follow you around. We inhabit the same blogs. The difference between us is that I was that pitbull and I recognise the error of my ways. The problem is that so many of these 'kids' could never recognise your philosophy because they need the money. Then they are damaged physically or mentally and they are left to rot. You are so right in everything that you say but the people that I support do not understand your concepts. I think that we are on the same side but sometimes it doesn't feel that way!

Anonymous said...


I think by now you would know from my writings that I take no prisoners, sever nerves and always go straight for the jugular in debate. I think it's my way of attempting to make people see things the way I do and to try and understand reality more than they do.

I would like to think that what I say is attacking the system, but I know in my heart of hearts that I'm also attacking the people for their actions, primarily because they work for the system and protect. That you know.

I have a friend, now my age, a bit older (around 42 I think), a hard man, ex squaddie (Falklands, N.Ireland, Iraq1, Former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq2) and he knows what's going More so, he's terminally ill with cancer, a man made disease which he got for his actions. People more harsher than I against the armed forces will say it's an act of God for the wrong he did. I say it's being exposed to chemical and biological weapons, most likely depleted uranium. He's angry. I'm angry with him and the system. He chose to fight. The system creates the circumstances for him to join up. I know that depressions are manufactured in order to cause civil hardship and thus the queues for joining up grow longer. Instant armed forces personnel - just turn the screw a bit on the cost of living. A despicable crime, but the system. You live within the system, you'll me abused by it. That's reality.

It's all about choice and always will be. I try to explain to people that were they to walk into a bar and the doorman beat them to death, for no reason, because he'd been given a license to kill by the government, the dead one's relatives would be angry. Yet how on earth can people not feel the same way about what the armed forces do? There is no difference. Their excuse is they're shooting at us and we're defending ourselves. The only excuse they could ever have would be if they were defending the UK. They're not. They're invading foreign lands and killing in the name of wealth and of course the creation of new world.

Wrong is wrong and really, at 16, people should know the difference between right and wrong. They should know that defending yourself and loved ones from outside attack on you home soil is right. Attacking others in their land is wrong. The British armed forces have, in every conflict been the aggressor. This is a simple fact. We got involved in conflict that was none of our concern. We instigated wars that we had no right to. I of course use the collective 'we' very lightly.

I continue being blunt in what I say bryboy. Don't take it personally. The truth is offensive and that's why it's suppressed.



bryboy said...

That is a very interesting post. I cannot argue against you. The British Army has been turned into an attack dog. When I was a soldier we only defended what was ours. It is difficult for the public to accept that their sons and daughters are being used as cannon fodder by the New World Order. Who can we use, who are the most complicit? It is always us. Where are the French, the Germans, the Belgians etc etc. Some time ago I posted about this and yet it still continues. Tks for your input Harbinger... it was a valuable post!