Wednesday, 3 October 2012

This was the Plan to Destroy our Society!

A list of the core aims of this odious doctrine (which consisted in essence of turning everything decent and wholesome upside down and back-to-front) ran as follows:-
  • The destruction of the traditional family unit, the promotion of divorce and the inception of a “permissive society” where informal, polygamous, mixed-race and homosexual relationships would become the new norm.
  •  The encouragement of young people to experiment with drink and hard drugs
  •  The sexualisation of young children and the promotion of same sex relationships as normal and entirely unremarkable to children in schools
  •  The undermining of the justice system so as to destroy belief in fairness in law & order and attach the blame for criminality to the victim and the cause of it to society as a whole.
  •  To destroy religion and faith in general; replace spirituality with consumerism and churches with shopping malls. 
  •  To create a wide array of racial offences to reinforce the dogma that all people are equal and no racial type is superior or inferior to any other type.
Now grab a drink and sit back and think of all the people who have supported this doctrine! This has been a deliberate programme of a group of people dating back to 1923.

If you recognise the horrific destruction of our society then please tweet this forward, EMail it forward, Facebook it on because this is at last is a summary of the aims of ALL of our main stream politicians.  I mean ALL of them! We the public who believe in the sanctity of marriage, who wince at same sex marriage, who disagree with sex education for 8 year olds, who believe in the teachings of the bible and who object to being described as racist because we object to foreign nationals being given priority on housing, education and health care just for some examples. We have all seen it.

I believe that this is the most important post that I have ever posted but if you really want to read the whole story then it is here!


NewsboyCap said...


Thanks for posting, it is indeed an important post.
Perhaps now others may begin to understand where our friend Harbinger is coming from.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryboy,

(and hello newsboycap. I hope you are well.)

The Marxist School of Frankfurt. Hmm.......

This was one of the main topics of study that helped me awake. It also made me re-educate myself on Hitler and the third reich.
Let's put some things in perspective:

Hitler, the British and the Americans wanted the family unit - the School of Frankfurt (SoF) didn't.
Hitler, the British and Americans wanted the survival of the whites, their history and culture - the SoF didn't.
Hitler wanted national sovereignty of all European nations -the SoF didn't.
Hitler wanted Europe to be the bastion of the white race - the SoF didn't.
And what did we do? We allowed the SoF into the west and went to war with the Germans who saw the danger of Marxism and the SoF, a danger they would have removed had we not allied with Communism and obliterated millions of our own kin. A kin whose ancestors came to Britain and gave England its name.

And what do the SoF names in the list in your article all have in common? Yup ALL ARE JEWS!!!
Hitler saw the threat of these pharisees. In fact so did 82 other nations in the world and quickly exiled them from their lands. And moreso, so too did Christ, the Galilean, not the Jew.

So let's look at reality here:

Communism, a Jewish phenomena!

Feminism, a Jewish phenomena!

School of Frankfurt, a Jewish phenomena!

Freemasonry, a Jewish phenomena!

The people behind the massive migration to the west of non whites, not forgetting the ANC and the removal of whites in S.Africa were Jews.
The people behind the civil rights movement in the USA were Jews......

I could go on, but suffice to say 'it isn't the Jews' as we are conveniently reminded. For to say so would brandish you an antisemite. Yup, that large bird over there with a bill, webbed feet, swimming in the water and going 'quack quack' isn't a duck!!

Edward 1st of England removed the Jews from the UK in 1290 because he saw how they acted as aliens within the country, formed ghettos, took positions of power and were hated by the public whom they parasited off of. Nothing has changed with the Jews. They're hated because of their ethnocentrism and political activism and their absolute hatred of the goyim. Look what the Romans did to them?

We have been warned over and over about how dangerous they are to the goyim (us) and we still ignore the warnings, persecuting any who speak out against the Jews. Why? Well it's really quite simple - 1649 the Jews backed Cromwell to kill the King and allow them in - The House of Rothschild later appeared on the scene and set about controlling EVERY establishment, in every western country, not forgetting marrying into the monarchies and elite families - they (Jews) now control the banks, MSM, Hollywood, the judiciary, the police, the political establishment, the educational establishment and Academia.

In other words, that cancer which is killing you, happens to be the same cancer that controls every piece of information you digest, telling you it's your friend. The madness that is western society not only harbours its very own assassins, it protects them from anyone who sees their threat, castigating them and turning them into social pariahs.

We never learn. That's why we won't stop the implementation of a one world bank, government and totalitarian society. The leaders of communism were Jews who hated the goy. They are now in charge of the rest of the west. Common sense dictates what happened in Russia will also happen in the west.

The biggest mistake we made was allying with Russia and not Germany, but the hatred of Hitler and the third reich will continue not just because of WW2 and subsequent allied deaths but because of the continued indoctrination through the MSM, Hollywood and the educational establishment. And who controls them again?



Anonymous said...


I MUST point out that there are two clear distinct types of Jews - those who follow the Torah and those the Talmud. What is the difference? Well, if you pick up the bible, Christ calls these Talmud worshippers, vipers, liars, of the synagogue of Satan and those who call themselves Jews but aren't.

They came from Babylon (Pharisees), preaching the Traditions of the Elders (Talmud) and promote the mystery religions. They are evil through and through. There is no denying this. Their God is not that of the Christians and Jews.

Sadly a great deal of reading is required to what a Jew is, where they are from and who is one. Christ, for example, was NOT a Jew as we have all been programmed to believe.



NewsboyCap said...


Thanks H, I am well, hope you are also.

Listened to a speaker last night who spoke of some of the history you speak of, very enlightening.
Sometimes I find it difficult to imagine what the Elders of Zion, the SoF and the Holy Roman Catholic Church had in store for us all those years ago. But the more I read and watch the scarier it gets.
I will end-ever to watch the links you have posted.

Anonymous said...

So Hitler was right. Blimey better start making gas chambers again. Or what do you suggest we do to the Jews now Herby

Kind regards


bryboy said...

I am clearly on a voyage of discovery. I am reading, learning and frankly horrified that history, well the history that passes 'A' levels, actually is a joke. The real history was created by the Rothschild banking family and even today it is happening. Watch the situation in Syria. It has been created by the bankers and is escalating. Now it involves Turkey. How much further will it extend before the whole middle east will become involved? If you read the history then you get the picture. Old Mrs Amshel Mayer Rothschild was correct when she said that 'if my sons did not want war there would be none'. This one extended family is clearly responsible for so much misery. The problem is that, as far as I can see, every one of our mainstream politicians is actually involved in this elaborate scam. Google 'Albert Pike' and see what is happening in our modern world. I am being drawn deeper into the world of Harby and his discoveries. I find it uncomfortable because I dislike the way he presents it. He has decided however that he must shock to succeed. I prefer discussion but that does not mean that I am right.

Anonymous said...


"So Hitler was right." He was, very much so. Merely another in a long line of leaders who grabbed the kike and booted them out of their land.

"Blimey better start making gas chambers again." The only gas chambers in the German camps were for delousing of clothes. Not ONE Jew was gassed in any gas chamber. It's nothing but one colossal lie. It's been disproven many times but Jewry controls what the masses read, see and hear, thus continuing the promotion of the 'great lie'.

"Or what do you suggest we do to the Jews now Herby" Send them back from whence they came - Khazaria. Build a massive wall around their land and let no one out. Guaranteed, they will become extinct as that tends to happen to parasites who feed off of parasites. I care not one hoot for the Pharisees' descendents. They are hated for good reason. Their lifetime of persecution has been singlehandedly down to their ethnocentricism and disgust for the goy.

If you had a malignant tumour in your body, would you leave it within to kill you? This is the reality with jews. Allowing them to continue installing their NWO will result in the deaths of 92% of the world's population. What do yo do Neutrino? Allow jews to continue jewish behaviour and the loss of billions of lives or remove them from their echelon towers of world domination? Best solution is to send them all to the moon.



Anonymous said...


I tell it as it is. Idon't wrap it up in fancy paper and ribbons. It's a case of 'there are two paths to choose; that of a slave under the Rothschilds or not. Being a slave means accepting the system, a system built for one purpose - total control.

Why do you think I write what I do? Why don't I parrot what our history books tell us? You correctly state it's Rothschild controlled. I know people think I'm crazy. I wear that badge with pride. Many people are afraid of the truth because it's not what they know. They don't want their world smashed to pieces. Therefore I warn you that as you descend deeper into reality and the truth, what you discover will only get worse.

The following video you will enjoy. It'a rare interview.



Anonymous said...

Bryboy please don't tell me you are like Herby and believe not one Jew was killed in a gas chamber. The bloke is clearly mad and I believe it is a criminal offence to be a holocaust denier. Is that you to? Hitler wanted all Jews to be transferred to Madagasger I believe, but someone came up with a better idea didn't they. Please Herby do as your idol did and relieve us of your racist bile.



Anonymous said...


The problem with this world is people like you - the sheep, those who happily accept the lies they're fed on a regular basis because it's pumped into them via the heavily controlled msm and education system.

I'm not going into detail with you because it's quite frankly a total waste of time. You have locks on your mind which lives within a little box.

I will say this:

1. Those who study 'the holocaust' eventually become as you say 'holocaust deniers.

2. There was not one mention of gas chambers in the war memoirs of Churchill, de Gaulle and Eisenhower.

3. World population almanacs prove that the 6million figure of dead Jews is a lie.

4. Aerial photographs of German camps prove there was no ventilation system to remove the deadly Zyklon B gas into the atmosphere. This means that were the story true, once a gassing had taken place the gas would have escaped, killing everyone within the camps.

Now, if you want to know the truth I suggest you do some research. You are clearly ignorant on this subject. What you fail to grasp is that jews are brilliant liars and the holocaust myth was created to demonize the Germans because they'd attempted to rid their country of these parasites who were killing them. What you are also ignorant on is that the jews started WW2 and launched a boycott on German goods, reacting violently all over the world against stores who stocked them. You fail to see that 'hell hath no fury' like a scorned jew. They were livid that a man stood up to their hatred of the goy and wanted thus to obliterate the Germans off of the face of this earth.

All that you know about Hitler is ant German propaganda. Propaganda cotrolled by the Rothschilds. Neutrino, you're an ignoramus who attacks anyone who tries to rip apart the facade you've been brainwashed into believing is reality.

Lastly the fact that denieng the holocaust (in some countries) is punishable by a prison sentence proves overwhelmingly that the jews are going to extreme lengths to cover up their lies. If you can't see this blatant affront to liberty as something despicable then it proves just how controlled you are.

The truth cannot be trumped by lies. It can only be suppressed. Locking 'holocaust deniers' up in prison proves this case overwhelmingly. It is the greatest lie ever told.


bryboy said...

Yes I'm afraid this is all getting a bit over my head. I am always open to new ideas and open discussion but we are now getting away out of my depth. Harby there is a helluva lot of evidence from eye witnesses in uniform that these atrocities did happen. I have personally discussed the 'happenings' at Bergen Belsen with locals in their own language (albeit 20 years later). I would concede that they were all part of some gross masterplan but there is too much evidence from ordinary people to deny it happened. Can we move on now?

Anonymous said...


The holocaust is the greatest lie ever told. The Nuremberg trials was nothing but one massive kangaroo court, where Jewish interrogators smashed the testicles of German soldiers with hammers to enforce statements from them.

The reason why I mention this is because the holocaust is the glue that's holding the illegal state of Israel together, that is the land that Rothschild wanted to be the seat of world government. It is a religion and more importantly one big cash cow for the movement of moneys to fund the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian peoples by Ashkenazi, NON SEMITIC, jews!!!!

Now Bryboy, this is reality. You are traveling down the rabbit hole and I told you that what you will find will get worse and worse. This is one of those 'worses'

If you are prepared to uncover the truth then you must turn over many stones. This is one of them. The reason that anyone is repulsed by anyone who denies the holocaust is because the brainwashing is complete upon society. Were jews detained in concentration camps? Yes. Did jews die? Yes. However, although some were executed by German officers (reprimanded later by the Nazi as it was an offence to do so), the overwhelming majority of those who died, died through typhus, old age and starvation (after the bombing of axis force's supply lines by the allies). There WERE NO GAS CHAMBERS.

Now Bryboy, it's up to you. You either take all or nothing on your journey into uncovering the truth, for all are inextricably linked to the grand scheme of things.

I will not shy away from anyone when it comes to telling the truth. People like Neutrino are either brainwashed or jews themselves, doing what they do best and protecting the tribe of 'chosen people'.

It is somewhat ironic don't you think, that you put a post up on the jewish Frankfurt school of critical theorists, who have done far more damage to western society than all wars accumulated together and yet the west attacks the very people who sought to stop the jews' demolition of the west and world as a whole? Don't you even think one minute about this? The deaths of 100million jews worldwide wouldn't come close to comparing the murder of western society, values, ideals and culture
by them.

Until people realise that the bloodthirsty descendents of the Pharisees, the Talmudist jews in control of the west (and world) are the biggest threat the human non jewish population faces, then nothing in this world will change, other than the eventual culling of 93% of the world's population, by them.

The New World Order is a JEWISH World Order Bryboy. The sooner people realise this, the better.



P.S. I write what I do in order to wake people up, letting them know truths that they won't see in the msm. And why isn't what I write in the msm Bryboy? Did you even wonder about that? You are now understanding more about the Rothschild empire. Should you continue to dig deeper on them, you will come to the holocaust and Zionism.

Anonymous said...

Sheep, ignoramus and a Jew, all bull like all your theories. Did you have these delusional ideas before the Internet, I guess not. The Internet is a cesspit for anyone to get off on what ever they want, and you do it to the max. What makes you laugh Herby? give us a clue. Or have you sacrificed humour for your cause.

bryboy said...

Oh dear this is a real challenge to this blog and frankly I doubt if I have the courage to follow through. I would never compromise my wife and family for a political ideal. I am beginning to see the light and it is a rather bright bulb but where do we go from here? A few people understand that we are all under the influence of a NWO, a group of people who think that it is important to control the world and who have the money to achieve it. I have now found the truth but at 70 years of age I cannot change the world. Possibly that labels me a coward and perhaps I should wind this blog up.

Anonymous said...


Do what you must. Your prerogative. My posting here has stirred up a hornet's nest, in fact I do wherever I go. If you enjoy it continue.

At 70 years of age you can do nothing without compromising your social standing and worse your safety. Don't worry. Your grandchildren won't have a clue they're slves in a totalitarian world. It's far worse knowing you're a slave and knowing you can't do anything to change that compared to not knowing.

What is predicted (and planned) will come to pass. I, you and the minority of truthseekers cannot stop it from happening.

This is my last post here Bryboy. The truth upsets. Better your readers are ignorant but happy instead of knowledgeable and sad. After all, who cares? There is a truthful saying that people deserve the society they live in.

I care for only a few. The rest deserve what befalls them. They've been warned on countless occasions and choose to remain apathetic.

Good life Bryboy


NewsboyCap said...


Please, remember Harbinger is much, much further down the rabbit hole than the likes of you and I. It is a path he has chosen and only he can follow. We do not have to venture as far he, but that should not stop us from finding our own solutions to our own problems and asking the right questions. Every time you post, every time you ask an awkward question, it puts 'them' on the back foot.
We need awkward 'Sods', we need more questioners, or as Harbinger predicts, one day, and maybe soon, it will be to late.
And from a purely selfish point of view I enjoy your Blog.

Anonymous said...

Bryboy keep up the good work, your blog is excellent as it makes us think. Herby is too far down his rabbit hole to be any use to this blog, it's his truth and his alone, I have followed his path previously and it only lead to more extreme hatred and racism so I stopped desending.

Your age is irrelevant, only continue if you feel you need to.

Your circulation is small and like you I wiish it was more.

I am not a wet liberal or a defender of the NWO, in fact your link to Earwigs piece I agree with almost entirely, but you can't let such hatred from Herby go unchallenged.


Keep up the excellent work

Kind regards


SAB said...

Well said Anonymous and hey it's match day so who cares!!! Herby is free to believe whatever he wants (it certainly makes interesting reading) and we can choose our own paths to happiness, and some people even have to resort to supporting Derby County ;-)

SAB said...

By the way Bryboy I'm always checking your blog for the next post and if I see something on the news I find interesting I'm always keen to hear your take on it which usually pops up within 24hrs! Just because folk don't comment doesn't mean they're not reading your blog. It provokes lots of thought which I like. Especially when you have a 2 year old and your life revolves around nappies and cbeebies! :-) keep up the good work.

bryboy said...

Tks for your support guys. It has been an interesting topic. I just write because I am unhappy about the dishonesty that appears in our mainstream media every day. There is so much mendacity in politics and we seem to have lost all sense of decency. Witness the culture that exists within the BBC which hid Jimmy Savile for so many years. This is a publicly funded organisation which apparently condoned the most evil behaviour!

bryboy said...

Harby I do hope that you don't desert me. We have our differences but I am interested in your knowledge. You see I am dipping my toe into the wonderful world of Youtube and have just come across Charlotte Isertyp. I am on a mission now. You would get far more attention if you moderated tour tone and guided people in the right direction. I followed up on your Norman Dodd steer and it led me to Charlotte!

bryboy said...

Harby I do hope that you don't desert me. We have our differences but I am interested in your knowledge. You see I am dipping my toe into the wonderful world of Youtube and have just come across Charlotte Isertyp. I am on a mission now. You would get far more attention if you moderated your tone and guided people in the right direction. I followed up on your Norman Dodd steer and it led me to Charlotte!